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About this lesson

I hope you’ve had fun exploring ACCESS.

Today I’d like to focus on Efforts which I believe can be a lot more liberating than projects.

Your Next Actions

1. Go to the "Efforts" note (listed as number 08 in the “Home” note)

2. Review the "Why 'Efforts' are liberating" section and then explore the two notes linked a bit lower: "The big differences between efforts and projects" and "How ideas and efforts play nicely together" The links are at the bottom of each note related to Efforts.

3. Do you have something you could consider being an Effort in your life? Make a note about it (either here in the LYT Kit or in your own vault). Even if it's still very early in the idea phase of it, make the note. If anything, Efforts allow for the development and ideation of early ideas a lot more easily than projects so it's a great place to start.

  • If you add the tag #effort to your effort note, it'll automatically be added to the data view in the “Efforts” note.

4. Start linking some of the supporting notes you have (or plan on developing) and any related projects that you have notes on (or plan on starting).

5. Now begin a few minutes of note-making about where you'd like to take this Effort in the next month and how that path forward looks. It doesn’t need a completion date right now, just start mapmaking your next steps.

6. Continue to get in the reps by returning to your Effort in the future. If the concept feels a bit loose, remember that it's designed to be. Think of them as a space in your ideaverse to reflect on and regularly direct forward momentum to your goals.

Congratulations! You have now completed the LYT Kit Email Course. I have one final email for you arriving soon. Stay tuned.

Linking Your Thinking

Linking Your Thinking creates videos, lessons, and courses on the how and why of making meaningful notes. Our prime directive is helping people get more joy out of their digital notes. You can subscribe to our newsletter here:
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