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What is stopping you from doing your best thinking?

Are you constantly losing track of your ideas and feeling overwhelmed with all the information you have to deal with?

Are you consuming too much of other people's stuff, but don't know what to do about it?  

Do you find it hard creating new ideas and find yourself getting stuck creatively?

Do you wish "technology" would actually help you think better, instead of always getting in your way?
If any of these resonate with you, there is a way to take the power back.

The solution: Create a trusted space to support and power your thinking efforts.

Want to create one?

Read on.

Build a custom system to support your best thinking

The Linking Your Thinking Workshop is an online workshop that teaches, trains, and supports you to build a "Personal Knowledge Management" system you trust.

This workshop teaches how you can use linked notes to:
Do your best thinking, more often
Reliably organize your knowledge
Unlock your unique perspective
Generate more insights
Join the waitlist
Linking your thinking image from Nick's vault
New: Linking Your Thinking Conference
Learn more  →

Five weeks to transform your knowledge.

Join the next workshop

LYT Workshop 14

Sep - Oct 2024
Next Enrollment Opens
September 2024

I had no room for my own thoughts!

I started Evernote in 2008. It was great at first. I “clipped” a lot of web articles.

I also used Evernote to build an international fitness boxing business and to produce two indie feature films. And personally, I used my digital notes to reflect, to write, and to think.

It worked, for a while. But secretly, a hidden cancer was growing in my notes. I still remember the pain of trying to put together a business proposal for opening a boxing gym in NYC—and slamming the keyboard because I was wasting so much time searching for lost notes.

I used to jump into my notes to get my thoughts in order, but after 5 years, opening Evernote was no longer fun. It was stressful. It caused my mind to feel scattered. Just the thought of opening my notes created surprising amounts of anxiety.

The problem was that my notes were becoming less of my notes. I was capturing so much NOISE that I was drowning out the SIGNAL. Since I was filling up my notes with other people's thoughts, I had no room for my own thoughts!

The happiness I used to feel using my digital notes was experiencing “death by a thousand cuts.” When I couldn't find my most valuable thoughts, I started to feel like I was losing a part of myself.

My joy evaporated.

I knew there had to be a better way...

Trusted by thinkers at the following institutions

There is a better way

When I decided to leave Evernote, I realized that my notes were trapped in Evernote's proprietary format. Even when I did figure out a way to export my notes to plain text, it BROKE. EVERY. LINK. If you haven’t experienced the pain of transferring your notes, it can sabotage your work sessions years into the future.

But by the end of 2015, I finally had full ownership of my notes again. I made my notes plain text. Because of that move, I was using linked notes half a decade before they burst onto the scene. There were no systems to follow.

So I spent the next several years stress-testing and iterating on the universal frameworks hidden in linked notes. I used it in the real world for several extremely diverse efforts in my life (described more below).

My joy returned. And so did my successes.
I discovered what made our knowledge fragile, what made it robust, and what made it come alive!

Being able to finally use technology to connect our ideas is a revolution. Now we can use external tools to support our thinking efforts in the same way our brain naturally works!

That's why I'm calling all writers, thinkers, life-long-learners, content creators, entrepreneurs and knowledge workers...

If you want to do your best thinking, more often, there is a better way.

It starts with this:

• Less collecting. More connecting.
• Less highlights. More insights.

Your best thinking is when you are fully engaged in the stuff in front of you, connecting it to other stuff—and finding your unique perspective amongst it all.

Want to get there reliably? Consistently?

The knowledge management principles we teach and train in the LYT Workshop will give you the insights, guidance, and support to unlock and empower your best thinking.

And, you will leave the workshop with your own, future-proof PKM system —a supercharged "ideaverse" to support and power all of your thinking efforts.

Meet the creator of Linking Your Thinking

Hi, I'm Nick Milo.

I’ve spent the last 15 years using digital notes to create and grow a fitness boxing into an international company, produce two independent feature films, become a TV and film editor, and—perhaps most importantly—to calm my thoughts and make better sense of the world around me.
image of nick milo

Hi, I'm Nick Milo.

I’ve spent the last 15 years using digital notes to create and grow a fitness boxing into an international company, produce two independent feature films, become a TV and film editor, and—perhaps most importantly—to calm my thoughts and make better sense of the world around me.

I’ve tested and stretched the limits of Personal Knowledge Management in the “real world”:

  • from the fitness industry 🏃‍♂️  to the film industry 🎬
  • from the football field 🏈   to civil engineering 🏗
  • from strength training 🏋️‍♂️  to the boxing ring 🥊
  • from public speaking 🎤  to content creation 🎨

What I’ve learned is this: being effective at managing knowledge is a superpower—and linking your thinking supercharges it.

The frameworks I teach unlock our ability to work with ideas in a way that is fast, flexible, and future-proof. I have taught the principles of linked notes to thousands of people with great results. These principles are flexible enough for you to shape them to your unique use cases and personal needs.

I’ve tested and stretched the limits of linked notes in the “real world”:

  • from the fitness industry 🏃  to the film industry 🎬
  • from the football field 🏈   to civil engineering 🏗
  • from strength training 🏋️  to the boxing ring 🥊
  • from public speaking 🎤  to content creation 🎨
What I’ve learned is this:

Being effective at managing knowledge is a superpower—and linking your thinking supercharges it.

The frameworks I teach unlock our ability to work with ideas in a way that is fast, flexible, and future-proof. I have taught the principles of linked notes to thousands of people with great results. These principles are flexible enough for you to shape to your personal needs—no matter what you want to do.
image of nick milo

Do you want to...

Do you want to build your custom, future-proof ideaverse
that will support & power your thinking efforts for the rest of your life?

Do you want to work better in your research?

Do you need to process large amounts of information and synthesize it into something clear and cohesive?

Do you want to make better sense of the world?

Do you have many interests and want a system that helps you make connections & see the patterns between ideas?

Do you want to create consistently?

Do you love reading, writing, teaching, and sharing? Do you want to consistently unlock your unique perspective?

Do you want to write big and often complex things?

Do you need support & power for writing your: novels, screenplays, books, D&D campaigns, or dissertations?

Do you want to get your thoughts in order?

Do you want to journal, reflect, and live your days with more intention, calm, and expanded creativity?

Do you want to be productive with your efforts?

Do you want to be efficient and focused with your projects and efforts in order to manage them effectively?
If any of one of these resonate with you, then you can immensely benefit
from attending the LYT Workshop. It is the best way to reliably
build your custom, future-proof ideaverse that will
support & power your thinking efforts for the rest of your life.

Is this workshop for you?

How many of these strongly resonate with you?
Enroll if one or more of them does!

Wasting time searching for lost notes?

Are you always feeling like you're playing catchup in your work?

Are you always feeling like you're playing catchup in your work?

The LYT Workshop helps you build a space where you can retrieve anything quickly and effortlessly whether you have 10 notes or 10,000 notes.

Are you feeling anxious or overwhelmed in your notes?

Your notes should support your efforts, not be the source of your stress.

The LYT Workshop helps you develop a system that will grow and evolve as you do over time in a sustainable healthy way.

Do you feel like you've captured a lot of other people's ideas but that you aren't doing enough with your own thoughts and ideas?

Notes don't end at the capture of an idea. Design a space that can help you connect and develop your thoughts.

The LYT Workshop helps you create a space that has room not just to revisit your notes, but to truly engage and expand on them.

Your ideas aren't static, your notes shouldn't be either.

"I don't know how to make a note on everything I encounter. I feel like I'm missing out on too many things around me."

The most important thing is that you *shouldn't* make a note on everything you encounter and the LYT Workshop will help you separate the signal from the noise.

By being intentional about what we choose to bring into your notes, it elevates the value of all of your notes as well as makes it easier to work in.

Are you afraid of losing track of your ideas?

We've all had it happen. If we're unable to capture that fresh idea in the moment, it might be gone forever.

The LYT Workshop can help you make notes at the speed of thought.

"I'm not a creative person, is this workshop for me?"

Being creative is more than just having outputs such as blog posts, books, or other public-facing content.

The LYT Workshop can help you build a space to explore creative solutions to problems or simply developing a sustainable system where you can quickly retrieve anything as well as find and develop connections between notes.

Are you always feeling like you're playing catchup in your work?

The LYT Workshop helps you build a space where you can retrieve anything quickly and effortlessly whether you have 10 notes or 10,000 notes.

Your notes should support your efforts, not be the source of your stress.

The LYT Workshop helps you develop a system that will grow and evolve as you do over time in a sustainable healthy way.

Notes don't end at the capture of an idea. Design a space that can help you connect and develop your thoughts.

The LYT Workshop helps you create a space that has room not just to revisit your notes, but to truly engage and expand on them.

Your ideas aren't static, your notes shouldn't be either.

The most important thing is that you *shouldn't* make a note on everything you encounter and the LYT Workshop will help you separate the signal from the noise.

By being intentional about what we choose to bring into your notes, it elevates the value of all of your notes as well as makes it easier to work in.

We've all had it happen. If we're unable to capture that fresh idea in the moment, it might be gone forever.

The LYT Workshop can help you make notes at the speed of thought.

Being creative is more than just having outputs such as blog posts, books, or other public-facing content.

The LYT Workshop can help you build a space to explore creative solutions to problems or simply developing a sustainable system where you can quickly retrieve anything as well as find and develop connections between notes.

Trusted by 1000+

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You will get results
The LYT system is fluid enough for me to think the way I am wired, and yet gives structure that my mind sometimes craves.

I didn't think it was possible to do that.
It’s transformed my perception of what a system can be like and I am blown by the possibilities!

Sharalene Moonjely
The workshop is forcing me to embrace a "first principles" approach to idea emergence!
alumni student image

Marleaux Flournoy

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The workshop prompts surprised me. The 7C's for note-making were super useful to start "wrestling with ideas". The enthusiasm and openness of the participants was amazing.
alumni student image

Cris S.

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I was initially quite intimidated, however, I soon embraced what Nick said about “leaning in”, now, I am loving it and am already applying the LYT frameworks in my work.
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Narelle Rowe

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The Linking your thinking workshop will change the way you relate to knowledge and your own ideas.
It will change the way you think for the better.
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Helen Zhu

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This workshop has helped me actually transition to being a note-maker through a well-paced and very thoughtful curriculum that has, to borrow one of Nick's phrases, helped me "do the reps."
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Matthew Strother

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I feel very confident about the prospects of leveraging a PKM system to transmute ideas in my head to real-world solutions. Really feels like learning a superpower!
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Noah Matthews

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What will you learn from the curriculum?

LYT Workshop - Unit 1 image
PKM & idea emergence
  • 🔗   Learn how links are allowing us to lose less and create more
  • 🎵  Identify when note-taking fails and when you need note-making
  • 🤗   Learn how to make meaningful relationships between notes
  • 🏋️   Practice with each type of relationship between notes
  • 🔬  Use your PKM Planet results to gain clarity on your use-cases
LYT Workshop - Unit 2 image
Growing value
  • 👹   Learn how note-taking creates weak thinking habits
  • 🔆   Learn how note-making unlocks your best thinking
  • 🌲   Learn how to make notes grow in value over time
  • 🎨   Practice the 7 C’s of note-making
  • 🌊   Understand the fundamentals of fluid thinking
LYT Workshop - Unit 3 image
Accelerating ideas
  • 🛑   Recognize mental squeeze points. Learn how to overcome them
  • 🗾   Understand the fundamentals & power of Maps of Content (MOCs)
  • 🗺   Practice the 11 C's of map-making
  • 🏗   Explore the benefits of MOCs and other ways we can use them
LYT Workshop - Unit 4 image
Your custom PKM system
  • 🌐   Complete your idea emergence network
  • 🏛   Build your library note
  • 🌍   Build your ultimate dashboard. Your home note
  • 🧰   Refine your use of links, folders, tags, and queries
LYT Workshop - Unit 5 image
Inputs and outputs
  • 🔊  Improve how you separate the signal from the noise
  • 📝   Practice the skill of transitioning from idea to note-making
  • 🚰   Create and develop your PKM workflows
  • 💡  Explore advanced sensemaking tactics
  • 📤   Improve where and how you share things with others
Unit 1
PKM & Idea Emergence
  • 🔗   Learn how links are allowing us to lose less and create more
  • 🎵  Identify when note-taking fails and when you need note-making
  • 🤗   Learn how to make meaningful relationships between notes
  • 🏋️   Practice with each type of relationship between notes
  • 🔬  Use your PKM Planet results to gain clarity on your use-cases
Unit 2
Growing Value
  • 👹   Learn how note-taking creates weak thinking habits
  • 🔆   Learn how note-making unlocks your best thinking
  • 🌲   Learn how to make notes grow in value over time
  • 🎨   Practice the 7 C’s of note-making
  • 🌊   Understand the fundamentals of fluid thinking
Unit 3
Accelerating Ideas
  • 🛑   Recognize mental squeeze points. Learn how to overcome them
  • 🗾   Understand the fundamentals & power of Maps of Content (MOCs)
  • 🗺   Practice the 11 C's of map-making
  • 🏗   Explore the benefits of MOCs and other ways we can use them
Unit 4
Your Custom PKM System
  • 🌐   Complete your idea emergence network
  • 🏛   Build your library note
  • 🌍   Build your ultimate dashboard. Your home note
  • 🧰   Refine your use of links, folders, tags, and queries
Unit 5
Inputs and Outputs
  • 🔊  Improve how you separate the signal from the noise
  • 📝   Practice the skill of transitioning from idea to note-making
  • 🚰   Create and develop your PKM workflows
  • 💡  Explore advanced sensemaking tactics
  • 📤   Improve where and how you share things with others

What will you learn from the curriculum?

workshop curriculum image
Unit 1: PKM & idea emergence
  • Learn how links are allowing us to lose less and create more
  • Learn how to make meaningful relationships between notes
  • Identify when note-taking fails and when you need note-making
  • Practice with each type of relationship between notes
  • Use your PKM Planet results to gain clarity on your use-cases
    workshop curriculum image
    Unit 2: Growing Value
    • Learn how note-taking creates weak
      thinking habits
    • Learn how note-making unlocks your
      best thinking
    • Learn how to make notes grow in value
      over time
    • Practice the 7 C’s of note-making
    • Understand the fundamentals of
      fluid thinking
    workshop curriculum image
    Unit 3: Accelerating Ideas
    • Recognize when “mental squeeze points” occur, and how to overcome them.
    • Understand the fundamentals & power of Maps of Content (MOCs)
    • Practice the 11 C's of map-making
    • Explore the benefits of MOCs and other ways we can use them
    workshop curriculum image
    Unit 4: Your Custom PKM System
    • Complete your idea emergence network
    • Build your library note
    • Build your ultimate dashboard,
      your home note
    • Refine your use of links, folders, tags,
      and queries
    workshop curriculum image
    Unit 5: Processing Newness
    • Improve how you separate the signal from
      the noise
    • Practice the skill of transitioning from idea to note-making
    • Create and develop your PKM workflows
    • Explore advanced sensemaking tactics
    workshop curriculum image
    Unit 6: Sharing
    • Review ways of sensemaking
    • Cover tactics for sensemaking
    • Explore common activities in our PKM system
    • Define where, how, and why we share things with others

    Get Started Today

    What's included in the workshop?

    We will guide you to build and improve your custom and future-proof PKM system.

    arc image

    6 live interactive lecture sessions with Nick Milo

    These are 90-minute sessions where "You learn, we work, we talk" in a tightly curated working experience designed to leave you more empowered with PKM each time.For those that stick around, we go an extra 30 minutes to answer all of your questions. Ending at the two-hour mark, this is a true super session.

    note-making image

    8 live guided note-making sessions

    These are our signature "sensemaking sessions" that will make you "comfortably uncomfortable" as you learn the art and craft of note-making.Now offered live at two times on the day so people in the Asia-Pacific time zones can easily attend!

    curriculum image
    90 lessons with exercises

    Expect to lean forward as you learn and personally apply each concept with focused exercises. (You don't just hit auto-play with these lessons!)6 units. 90 lessons. Targeted exercises. 60+ minutes of video weekly.Lifetime access to the lessons.

    expert session image
    Live learning sessions with hand-selected experts

    Receive targeted sessions from hand-selected subject-matter experts on how to apply the workshop's concepts in specific contexts and situations to further improve your system.

    alumni image
    Feedback from workshop mentors

    If you want to get better, you need fast feedback.

    Our dedicated mentors are workshop alumni who are looking to help provide guidance and make sure you keep moving in the right direction.

    showcase image
    Showcase Sessions

    This one-of-a-kind experience happens during the final week of the workshop.You get to see over 40 examples of digital ideaverses from your fellow students.You will leave awed, excited, and further empowered.

    What's included in the workshop?

    We will guide you to build and improve your custom and future-proof PKM system.

    4 live interactive lecture sessions

    90-minute super sessions.

    These are 90-minute sessions where "You learn, we work, we talk" in a tightly curated working experience designed to leave you more empowered with PKM each time.

    For those that stick around, we go an extra 30 minutes to answer all of your questions. Ending at the two-hour mark, this is a true super session.

    8 live guided note-making sessions

    60-minute sensemaking sessions.

    These are our signature "sensemaking sessions" that will make you "comfortably uncomfortable" as you learn the art and craft of note-making.

    Now offered live at two times on the day so people in the Asia-Pacific time zones can easily attend!

    90 time-released lessons with exercises

    6 units. 90 lessons. Targeted exercises.
    Expect to lean forward as you learn and personally apply each concept with focused exercises. (You don't just hit auto-play with these lessons!)

    6 units. 90 lessons. Targeted exercises. 60+ minutes of video weekly.

    Lifetime access to the lessons.

    Live learning sessions with hand-selected experts

    Targeted sessions from hand-selected alumni.
    Receive targeted sessions from hand-selected alumni on how to apply the workshop's concepts to:

     • academic research
     • content creation & branding
     • productive knowledge management

    Feedback from workshop mentors

    Dedicated mentors provide guidance.
    If you want to get better, you need fast feedback.

    Our dedicated mentors are workshop alumni who are looking to help provide guidance and make sure you keep moving in the right direction.

    Showcase Week

    Over 40 examples of digital ideaverses.
    This one-of-a-kind experience happens during the final week of the workshop.

    You get to see over 40 examples of digital ideaverses from your fellow students.

    You will leave awed, excited, and further empowered.

    These are 90-minute sessions where "You learn, we work, we talk" in a tightly curated working experience designed to leave you more empowered with PKM each time.

    For those that stick around, we go an extra 30 minutes to answer all of your questions. Ending at the two-hour mark, this is a true super session.

    These are our signature "sensemaking sessions" that will make you "comfortably uncomfortable" as you learn the art and craft of note-making.

    Now offered live at two times on the day so people in the Asia-Pacific time zones can easily attend!
    Expect to lean forward as you learn and personally apply each concept with focused exercises. (You don't just hit auto-play with these lessons!)

    6 units. 90 lessons. Targeted exercises. 60+ minutes of video weekly.

    Lifetime access to the lessons.
    Receive targeted sessions from hand-selected alumni on how to apply the workshop's concepts to:

     • academic research
     • content creation & branding
     • productive knowledge management
    If you want to get better, you need fast feedback.

    Our dedicated mentors are workshop alumni who are looking to help provide guidance and make sure you keep moving in the right direction.
    This one-of-a-kind experience happens during the final week of the workshop.

    You get to see over 40 examples of digital ideaverses from your fellow students.

    You will leave awed, excited, and further empowered.

    Your support team

    We think you are going to be pleasantly surprised
    by the amount of support you have during the workshop.

    Expert guided sessions

    Subject-matter experts give you targeted deep dives into specialized areas.
    Expect at least two 60-minute sessions from each of them
    subject-matter image

    Dr. Jeremy Nguyen

    Researching, Prolific Publishing, and Creativity with AI
    Dr. Jeremy Nguyen is a tenured college professor, prolific researcher with over 45 academic publications. Jeremy leads a multi-disciplinary team researching Artificial Intelligence to enhance human creativity. He is also a screenwriter on a soon-to-be-released Disney+ show.
    subject-matter image

    Joel Anderson

    Research & PKM
    Joel Anderson is Professor of Moral Psychology & Social Philosophy at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. In his research and teaching, he explores how affordances, scaffolding, social practices, and assistive technology provide structures that support (or thwart) the development and exercise of autonomous agency. He has been an avid user of Obsidian since the spring of 2020 and is currently working to develop a “collaborative workspace” for a research consortium on the Ethics of Social Disruptive Technologies, with over 100 ethics research.
    subject-matter image

    Karen Hume

    Creativity and Discovering Meaningful Connections
    Karen was the recipient of three provincial Teacher of the Year awards in the decades she spent as a teacher, principal and district education officer. She is now fully absorbed in doing her best to live poet Mary Oliver’s Instructions for Life — “Pay attention. Be amazed. Tell about it.” And if you think that has some interesting parallels to Nick’s ARC, she agrees!
    subject-matter image

    Brennan Davis

    Visual Notemaking
    Brennan Davis is a Software Engineer Manager by day, productivity and organizational enthusiast by, well, all the time! He's been working professionally in the software engineering field for the past 12 years. He has a passion for creating, and is often found writing, drawing, and tinkering with the latest JavaScript framework. He's developed his own personal productivity system by taking the bits and pieces he likes from other systems and combining them into his own. He believes there is a perfect productivity system out there for everyone, but it's up to YOU to build it.

    Your core team

    core-team image

    Dan Lardi

    Head of marketing and operations
    You will see Dan everywhere. When he’s not handling the operations of LYT, he’s making sure we all have a smooth workshop experience—including handling any technical issues.
    core-team image

    Nick Milo

    Your workshop pilot and creator of LYT
    I will be leading us through the workshops—especially the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions. I will introduce new concepts and take us through live, hands-on exercises twice a week.
    core-team image

    Keaton Sondreal

    Workshop director
    Keaton is directing the workshop and helping to make sure everyone has the best experience possible. You will see and hear from Keaton throughout the workshop. He will make sure you get the most out of our time together.
    core-team image

    Laila Faisal

    Workshop manager
    Along with helping coordinate our support team, Laila will be ensuring it's always a positive experience as you connect and engage in our learning and community platform, Circle.

    What makes LYT so different?

    Is this you?

    People that have tried out other systems come to us, and they say...
    "I was able to organize
    information but it didn't help me with knowledge."
    Is this you?

    If you’re trying to do PKM but you feel stuck—or something feels “off”—it may be because your system is encouraging you to focus on the wrong things.

    So what are the right things?

    These six focal points in Linking Your Thinking are what will finally get you actually working with your Knowledge!
    1. Connecting more than collecting.

    Collecting a new idea does not equal KNOWING a new idea, or being able to effectively work with it—or even explain it to others. If you take anything away from these words, remember this:

    We don’t need more knowledge every second. Instead, we need to get better at developing the knowledge we already have.

    2. Insights more than highlights.

    Put down the highlighter and slowly step away! Once you do, something amazing happens. You open a space to think—to connect—and to generate your own insights.

    Multi-step highlighting techniques encourage the habit of “collecting without processing”. In practice, this means you’ll save many articles, and process few. This creates a PKM system where 99% of the stuff in there are someone else’s thoughts, not yours.

    It disconnects you from your own thinking and creates a sterile thinking environment devoid of joy.

    This is the “Fall of the Note-Taker”: Too much note-taking kneecaps your best thinking and harms the long-term health of your PKM system.

    The future will favor the Note-Maker. Note-making is where you are creating the most personal meaning and value.

    3. Your perspective more than theirs.

    You can’t get to yours, if you’re always just highlighting theirs! The trouble with chronic note-takers is that they never get the part where they’re doing their best thinking.

    Where do you think your unique perspective comes out? From bolding and highlighting the words of other people, or from writing your own thoughts and making the insights yourself? We need you to be your best self.

    We need you to share your unique perspective with the rest of us.

    4. Links more than folders.

    If you are merely clipping articles and filing resources, folders are fine. But in truth, that’s less “Knowledge” Management and more “Information Resource” Management.

    And maybe that’s what you want.

    But if you care about knowledge, ideas, and making leaps of insights; then you simply must learn how to link ideas in a powerful and future-proof way.

    Once you start linking ideas together, you cross the threshold, and there’s no going back. Your neurons are firing like they should and you are spending more time doing your best thinking. It feels good, doesn’t it?

    Looking back, you laugh at how silly it was to try to do PKM without linking. Oh, Life!

    5. Ideas more than tasks.

    If you want to get things done, learn GTD. If you want to build a rich universe of ideas that you develop throughout your life, learn LYT.

    If you want a course on project management, take one of the million courses on that. But if you want to improve how you actually work with ideas (not just sort them into folders), then learn LYT.

    6. PKM more than Productivity.

    Hey, I get it. We have to get things done. But look around. You’ll find everyone kneeling at the alter of “tasks”, “projects”, “tracking”, and “getting things done”.

    Somehow, we gave up the inherent joy of thinking, as its own reward. We stripped away the soul of inquiry and replaced it with soulless efficiency. Can you even remember a time when you felt calm and joy jumping into your notes? Because...

    Ironically, it's when you stop exploiting and start exploring, that you generate some of your best ideas and insights!

    You may not know this, but you have a choice. You don’t have to serve your task manager. Take the power back. Choose to be led by the carrot of curiosity over stick of a task list.

    What will you leave the workshop saying?

    Here are the top 6 most common results from our students
    "I am creating more than ever."
    "I am finding my notes reliably."
    "I am conquering overwhelm."
    "I am giving more value to others."
    "I am generating more insights."
    "I rediscovered the joy of thinking."


    This is some text inside of a div block.
    This is some text inside of a div block.


    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 13 which includes...


    Text Link

    Secure your seat now

    Cohort 9

    October 11 - November 11

    You will leave this workshop with your custom future-proof ideaverse.

    Single LYT Workshop

    Build your custom thinking system in 30 days
    In 30 days, improve how you interact with ideas, reliably unlock your unique perspective, and create your most inspired work by “linking your thinking”.

    1 Workshop

    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 13 which includes...


    Join the waitlist

    Knowledge Accelerator

    Your complete solution to all your knowledge needs
    By "linking your thinking" over 365 days, you will build a lifelong system and train the knowledge skills needed in the modern age.


    You get everything in the Single LYT Workshop.






    Join the waitlistLearn more about the Accelerator
    Enrollment closes on January 16th
    Enrollment ends January 16th at midnight pacific time.

    Enroll in the LYT Workshop

    Cohort 9

    October 11 - November 11

    You will leave this workshop with your custom future-proof ideaverse.
    We have 2 different plans to help you achieve this.

    Build your custom thinking system in 33 days
    Strengthen your thinking system over 365 days

    1 Workshop

    Complete access to Workshop 12 which includes...
    6 live interactive lecture sessions with Nick Milo
    8 live guided note-making sessions
    The LYT Curriculum: 90 lessons and exercises
    5 deep dives from subject-matter experts
    Feedback from workshop mentors
    Over 40 PKM presentations from your peers
    Lifetime access to lessons & Workshop 11 recordings

    3 Workshops

    Complete access to Workshop 10: Jan 31 - Mar 3
    Complete access to Workshop 11: May 2 - Jun 5
    Complete access to Workshop 12: Sep 26 - Oct 27
    Continued access to lessons & recordings

    Monthly Events & Continuous Learning

    12 months of training and Q&A events
    12 months of live events from subject-matter experts
    12 months of alumni community access

    $ 1,000 

    Join a SprintJoin a Sprint
    Join the waitlistPayment plans

    Build your custom thinking system in 33 days
    Strengthen your thinking system over 365 days

    1 Workshop

    Complete access to Workshop 10 which includes...
    4 live interactive lecture sessions
    4 live guided note-making sessions
    90 time-released lessons and exercises
    12 sessions from subject-matter experts
    Feedback from workshop mentors
    Over 40 PKM presentations from your peers
    Continued access to lessons & recordings

    3 Workshops

    Complete access to Workshop 11: May 30 - Jun 30
    Complete access to Workshop 12: Sep 26 - Oct 27
    Complete access to Workshop 13: Early 2024
    Lifetime access to lessons & recordings

    Monthly Events & Continuous Learning

    12 months of live training and Q&A events
    12 months of live events from subject-matter experts
    12 months of access to the alumni community

    $ 1,900 

    Join the JourneyJoin the Journey
    Join the waitlistPayment plans
    11 remaining
    No items found.

    Enroll in the LYT Workshop

    Cohort 9

    October 11 - November 11

    You will leave this workshop with your custom future-proof ideaverse.
    We have 2 different plans to help you achieve this.

    Build your custom thinking system in 28 days
    Strengthen your thinking system over 365 days

    1 Workshop

    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 12 which includes...
    6 LIVE INTERACTIVE SESSIONS WITH NICK MILO: Be ready for professional-grade lectures and compelling animations that will challenge paradigms and deliver AHA moments. Every session is peppered with guided exercises, substantial interactions, immediate feedback, screenshares, and Q&A’s. The core material is covered in 60 minutes. The bonus material for 20 minutes. The Q&A for another 20. These sessions are truly super and will lead to...
    YOUR CUSTOM, WORKING PKM SYSTEM: You won’t leave with a bland cookie-cutter knowledge system. You will leave on fire, with a custom knowledge system and creativity engine—an ideaverse—that will support and catalyze your contributions to yourself and the world around you.
    THE INFAMOUS LYT CURRICULUM: This isn’t just a course. This is the deepest and most comprehensive offering on the planet for learning and leveraging linked notes. 6 Units. 90 Lessons. 7 Hours. Game-changing Education.
    EXPERT DEEP DIVES: Why walk blindly through the desert when you can learn from experts who have found their oasis? These expert sessions will cover Academia, AI, Research, Self-Guided Living, and Your Intentions for PKM.
    PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK FROM WORKSHOP MENTORS: Don’t underrate this. The feedback you get from specially selected alumni has the potential to unlock chronic PKM pain that you never knew you had. That’s the power of personalized feedback.
    STUDENT SHOWCASE SESSIONS: These shockingly high-value sessions are where you and your fellow students show us around your knowledge systems for 10 minutes. The breakthroughs that happen during our showcase sessions never fail to deliver—as students inspire doctors, and managers inspire novelists. These final sessions provide the perfect closure and celebration to the workshop.
    ONE YEAR OF BASE COMMUNITY ACCESS: You learned together in a workshop. You speak the same language and know the same pitfalls. Who better to continue learning from and sharing with than your fellow alumni? Ask questions. Give answers. Join conversations. Participate in our note-making challenges.
    LIFETIME ACCESS TO YOUR WORKSHOP: Be confident that you will have lifetime access to your workshop’s material. These are lessons and recordings you will want to watch again.

    3 Workshops

    Complete access to Workshop 10: Jan 31 - Mar 3
    Complete access to Workshop 11: May 2 - Jun 5
    Complete access to Workshop 12: Sep 26 - Oct 27
    Continued access to lessons & recordings

    Monthly Events & Continuous Learning

    12 months of training and Q&A events
    12 months of live events from subject-matter experts
    12 months of alumni community access

    $ 1500

    Join a SprintJoin a Sprint
    Payment plansJoin the waitlist

    Build your custom thinking system in 33 days
    Strengthen your thinking system over 365 days

    1 Workshop

    Complete access to Workshop 10 which includes...
    4 live interactive lecture sessions
    4 live guided note-making sessions
    90 time-released lessons and exercises
    12 sessions from subject-matter experts
    Feedback from workshop mentors
    Over 40 PKM presentations from your peers
    Continued access to lessons & recordings

    3 Workshops

    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 12 [Sep 26 - Oct 24]
    Everything you see on the left is yours. Every part of Workshop 12 is included in the Journey package. The difference is…you get to experience a full workshop TWO MORE TIMES!
    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 13 [Jan 30 - Feb 27]
    We are starting 2024 out with a bang! Every LYT Workshop is similar but different. You can expect the same high value live sessions, but expect the list of experts to change. Learn from new students. And realize who you were for the previous workshop is not who you are for the next one. You’ve grown, changed, and evolved; so use each workshop to continue your journey.
    For our mid-2024 workshop, you will be in the top 0.1% of PKM practitioners in the world. What efforts will you be focused on then? No matter what they are, use this workshop as an accelerator—a forcing function—to have the most joy and make the most progress possible.

    Monthly Events & Continuous Learning

    ONE YEAR OF BASE COMMUNITY ACCESS: This is the same as for single-workshop Sprinters. Ask questions. Give answers. Join conversations. Participate in our note-making challenges. Keep learning from and sharing with than your fellow alumni.
    12 MONTHS OF SPECIAL JOURNEY TRAININGS, PRESENTATIONS, AND Q&A EVENTS: Attend exclusive monthly sessions from Nick and prominent experts in PKM (including fellow alumni). It’s amazing how a single session can reinvigorate our personal efforts.
    12 MONTHS OF ACCESS TO THE JOURNEY EVENTS BACKLOG: How would you like to gain full access to our entire backlog of special journey events? These recordings are full of PKM gold.
    LIFETIME ACCESS TO ALL 3 WORKSHOPS: Be confident that you will have lifetime access to the material of all 3 workshops. These are lessons and recordings you will want to watch again.

    New Package Under Development

    Join the JourneyJoin the Journey
    Join the waitlistPayment plans
    11 remaining
    No items found.

    Enroll in the LYT Workshop

    Cohort 9

    October 11 - November 11

    You will leave this workshop with your custom future-proof ideaverse.
    We have 2 different plans to help you achieve this.

    Build your custom thinking system in 28 days
    Strengthen your thinking system over 365 days

    1 Workshop

    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 12 which includes...
    THE LYT CURRICULUM: 6 units. 90 lessons. 7+ hours.

    3 Workshops

    Complete access to Workshop 10: Jan 31 - Mar 3
    Complete access to Workshop 11: May 2 - Jun 5
    Complete access to Workshop 12: Sep 26 - Oct 27
    Continued access to lessons & recordings

    Monthly Events & Continuous Learning

    12 months of training and Q&A events
    12 months of live events from subject-matter experts
    12 months of alumni community access

    $ 999

    Join a SprintJoin a Sprint
    Payment plansEnroll Now

    Build your custom thinking system in 33 days
    Strengthen your thinking system over 365 days

    1 Workshop

    Complete access to Workshop 10 which includes...
    4 live interactive lecture sessions
    4 live guided note-making sessions
    90 time-released lessons and exercises
    12 sessions from subject-matter experts
    Feedback from workshop mentors
    Over 40 PKM presentations from your peers
    Continued access to lessons & recordings

    3 Workshops

    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 12 [Sep 26 - Oct 24]
    Everything you see on the left is yours. The difference is…you get to experience a full workshop TWO MORE TIMES!
    COMPLETE ACCESS TO WORKSHOP 13 [Jan 30 - Feb 27]

    Monthly Events & Continuous Learning


    $ 1,499

    Join the JourneyJoin the Journey
    Enroll NowPayment plans
    11 remaining
    No items found.

    Workshop schedule

    The next workshop is Sep - Oct 2024
    Starts on June 14th and ends on July 22nd, 2022
    9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT
    Super sessions
    Expert Sessions
    Throughout the week
    Sensemaking sessions
    Weekly curriculum release
    October 2024
    Live Showcase sessions
    Note: all main live sessions are recorded and will typically be released within a few hours of each event.

    Frequently asked questions

    Everything you need to know about the Linking Your Thinking Workshop. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our support team.
    What is your refund policy?
    You can make a full refund request at before the end of the first week of the workshop. No withdrawals or refunds are possible after the first 7 days of the workshop.
    When does the course start and finish?
    The next workshop will start on September 2024.
    Can I request for a reimbursement from my employer?
    Many organizations offer an education budget that covers the cost of our workshop.

    If you need guidance, please feel free to email us at

    You can also use this proposal template.
    What if I can't attend live?
    Can't make it live? No worries, we will record the whole event and everyone who buys a seat will have access to the recording forever.
    How long will I have access to the program?
    You will have lifetime access to the program. Plus, as we update the curriculum and continue to provide resources for the workshop, you will continue to have access to those updates.
    I use Notion, Roam, or Logseq. Will this work for me?
    Yes! Because the principles are based on linking ideas.

    We had a few people use Roam in the previous workshop. They found the MOCs in particular to be very empowering.
    How can I hear from others who have taken the workshop?
    For sure! We have so many to show you. You'll see Students and Content Creators, Writers and Thinkers.

    You can start by learning from our two case studies here and also here. Check out some of our recent Alumni Insights here. This is also a handy public reference for you.
    Do I have to use Obsidian?
    No. You'll just want to use something that allows you to link notes quickly.

    So that would be something like Obsidian or Roam or Remnote or Athens or anything that allows for link-based notes can work.
    I'm new. What type of technical help can I expect?
    That said, please have a basic understanding of how to make links and how to make tags. This is not a course on teaching you Obsidian!

    Now as far as the workshop, all the examples are shown in Obsidian, and the fancy advanced features are not needed. I'll talk about some cool hotkeys from time to time, but the focus is squarely on how we can work with link-based notes. These are timeless fundamentally no matter the software.
    While this workshop isn't course on how to use a specific piece of software, you're surrounding yourself with people you can help, and surprisingly, like to help a lot!
    Can’t I just learn all of this for free online or in Youtube?
    I do my best to provide MASSIVE amounts of free value on Youtube. But even that content can't compare to the value you get in the workshop.

    The workshop is hands-on, focused-work, with people solving the same problems that you're trying to solve...that's how you accelerate your growth! Instead of walking down the wrong path for several years (like I did in Evernote by over-collecting), you can quickly revise and iterate your knowledge management system in "real-time" so you not only build a system that remains useable and scales with your ever-changing needs—but you also ensure that your digital notes remain a source of joy.
    What amount of time will I need to commit to the course?
    It depends. The minimal time you should be able to commit to make this thing worthwhile is probably around 1-2 hours per week.

    For the expected experience, try to budget around 6-8 hours per week—that includes the live sessions of course.

    For the best experience, just attend the live sessions (or watch the recordings as soon as they are available), go through the lessons, make comments, read what others have shared, and be an active part of this amazing gathering of inspiring thinkers!
    I'd love to join, but I'm from a developing country and the cost is too high for me. Are there scholarships?
    "Like a string of beads, it is our unique differences and intricacies that make us so appealing and attractive." — Lindsey Lunsford, M.E.M., Second Edition DEI Fellow

    It would break my heart if the reason you can't attend is because of where you were born. That's not just. It's important to me—and crucial for all of our thinking—that we have a diverse mixture of perspectives. This means not turning a blind eye to how the price point can immediately exclude valuable voices.

    That said, click here to learn how you can apply for our scholarship program on the next workshop enrollment.

    Still have questions?

    Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our support team.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is your refund policy?

    You can make a full refund request at before the end of the first week of the workshop.

    No withdrawals or refunds are possible after the first 7 days of the workshop.

    When does the course start and finish?

    The next enrollment will start on May 15, 2023. It will close on May 19, 2023.

    Workshop 11's onboarding will start on May 30, 2023. It will end on June 30, 2023.

    What amount of time will I need to commit to the course?

    It depends. The minimal time you should be able to commit to make this thing worthwhile is probably around 1-2 hours per week.

    For the expected experience, try to budget around 6-8 hours per week—that includes the live sessions of course.

    For the best experience, just attend the live sessions (or watch the recordings as soon as they are available), go through the lessons, make comments, read what others have shared, and be an active part of this amazing gathering of inspiring thinkers!

    How long will I have access to the program?

    You will have lifetime access to the program.

    Plus, as we update the curriculum and continue to provide resources for the workshop, you will continue to have access to those updates.

    I’d like to hear more from others who have taken the workshop. How can I hear from them?

    For sure! We have so many examples to show, and they are starting to make their way onto Youtube.

    You'll see Designers. College Students. Marketers. Interesting Thinkers. Writers and 1000-page novel Worldbuilders...and that's just for starters.

    You can start by learning from our two case studies here and also here. Check out some of our recent Alumni Insights here.

    This is also a handy public reference for you.

    I'm new. What type of technical help can I expect?

    While this workshop isn't course on how to use a specific piece of software, you're surrounding yourself with people you can help, and surprisingly, like to help a lot!

    That said, please have a basic understanding of how to make links and how to make tags. This is not a course on teaching you Obsidian!

    Now as far as the workshop, all the examples are shown in Obsidian, and the fancy advanced features are not needed. I'll talk about some cool hotkeys from time to time, but the focus is squarely on how we can work with link-based notes. These are timeless fundamentally no matter the software.

    This ties nicely into the next question....

    Do I have to use Obsidian?

    No. You'll just want to use something that allows you to link notes quickly.

    So that would be something like Obsidian or Roam or Remnote or Athens or anything that allows for link-based notes can work.

    I use Notion, Roam, or Logseq. Will this work for me?

    Yes! Because the principles are based on linking ideas.

    We had a few people use Roam in the previous workshop. They found the MOCs in particular to be very empowering.

    I'd love to join, but I'm from a developing country and the cost is too high for me. Are there scholarships?

    "Like a string of beads, it is our unique differences and intricacies that make us so appealing and attractive." — Lindsey Lunsford, M.E.M., Second Edition DEI Fellow

    It would break my heart if the reason you can't attend is because of where you were born. That's not just. It's important to me—and crucial for all of our thinking—that we have a diverse mixture of perspectives. This means not turning a blind eye to how the price point can immediately exclude valuable voices.

    That said, you can apply for our scholarship program right here.

    Do you offer payment plans?

    Note: if you prefer using Paypal, please make a request at

    I'd love to join, but I'm from a developing country and the cost is too high for me. Are there scholarships?

    "Like a string of beads, it is our unique differences and intricacies that make us so appealing and attractive." — Lindsey Lunsford, M.E.M., Second Edition DEI Fellow

    It would break my heart if the reason you can't attend is because of where you were born. That's not just. It's important to me—and crucial for all of our thinking—that we have a diverse mixture of perspectives. This means not turning a blind eye to how the price point can immediately exclude valuable voices.

    That said, you can apply for our scholarship program right here.

    Do you offer payment plans?

    Yes. But only for the standard workshop.

    Can’t I just learn all of this for free online or in Youtube?

    I do my best to provide MASSIVE amounts of free value on Youtube. But even that content can't compare to the value you get in the workshop.

    The workshop is hands-on, focused-work, with people solving the same problems that you're trying to solve...that's how you accelerate your growth! Instead of walking down the wrong path for several years (like I did in Evernote by over-collecting), you can quickly revise and iterate your knowledge management system in "real-time" so you not only build a system that remains useable and scales with your ever-changing needs—but you also ensure that your digital notes remain a source of joy.

    Learning is better together

    workshop alumni image

    Active, not passive

    The workshop is designed get you to lean forward and engage—in multiple ways—with the material. The result: deep and lasting personal gains.

    Faster alone at first, further together forever

    You are surrounded by curious—often brilliant—thinkers. Even if they are doctor and you are a dungeon master, their ideas will create new associations in your mind. From that, you may just solve your own unique use case!

    Comfortably uncomfortable

    In a safe environment, you will get your thinking muscles burning. You will be encouraged to share. And the insights you gain from seeing your system through the eyes of your peers can be transformational.
    If you are looking for a "language" to exchange ideas between your most inner-self and the external world, this workshop is for you.
    A Testimonial Photo
    This was a game changer for me. My PKM is a direct reflection of me and not some half-modelled, half-copied system of someone else.
    A Testimonial Photo
    Desirée Kolman
    Moving from note-taker to note-maker is one of the most powerful ways you can improve the quality of your own thinking.
    A Testimonial Photo
    Jack Beaudoin
    image of ENCODE


    The ENCODE framework gives you the keys to reliably unstick your thinking so you can generate more meaningful insights and spend more time doing your best work.

    We encounter ideas
    << and >>
    We express ideas

    We can't avoid it. But we can get better at it.
    The ENCODE Framework describes how
    your knowledge evolves.

    • Encounter new ideas
    • Note the ideas that interest you
    • Connect ideas to things you know
    • Organize ideas so you can find them
    • Develop ideas to generate new insights
    • Express your ideas to others

    Creative expression is NOT a linear process. ENCODE is our diagnostic tool to
    decode where you are locked, so every part of you can be playing in sync.

    Join the next workshop

    LYT Workshop 9

    Why the workshop works

    Linking Your Thinking created and follows the
    six principles of Lean Forward Learning™

    Online learning is different. It's the wild west out there.

    My deep goal is to inspire other teachers in online education to incorporate the paradigm of Lean Forward Learning into their own educational products and services.

    The Lean Forward paradigm is an extension of the "Learn by doing" theory of education set forth by John Dewey in the early 1900's. However, the Lean Forward paradigm is different because it outlines principles specifically for online education.

    I believe online workshop designed like Linking Your Thinking are just the beginning of a deeper level of digital learning. Sitting back and passively watching instructional videos is easy, but the results are far less powerful. Instead, the LYT formula forces you to grab the controls and pilot the ship.

    Designing the right educational experience with these principles in mind provides students with an effective and profound learning experience.

    Here are the Six Principles of Lean Forward Learning™.

    • Curated yet Non-linear: There is a sense of freedom, and yet, a sense of structure. As a student, you have some agency to “Choose Your Own Adventure”.
    • Hands-on Repetitions: The very nature of the workshop builds in inescapable hands-on repetitions with the exact thing you are trying to learn. Just like a video game, if you don't take the controls and move forward, you don't make progress. In other words, it's designed to force "unavoidable engagement".
    • Uncomfortable: The very nature of the workshop means that the adventurer will be uncomfortable, challenged, and sometimes even frustrated. Those are "deep reps". That’s when the deepest, stickiest learning happens! And it's the getting stuck that leads to sticky learning.
    • Immersive: It feels like a special self-contained mini-world...a holistic learning system.
    • Measurable: There are ways to measure a student's progress.
    • Multiple Avenues of Engagement: Students don't just "read" and "watch". They DO. Plus they also do some combination of: commenting, interacting, and sharing. This ties back into getting reps: reading reps, watching reps, doing reps...reps commenting, interacting, and sharing.

    The LYT Workshop did not design the six principles of Lean Forward Learning™ . No. The principles were born from the LYT Workshop!

    The LYT Workshop is the model for an all-encompassing tsunami of a learning experience.